What is white tea?

Thé Blanc - White tea

White tea is known to be one of the most delicate varieties of tea, as it is processed very sparingly. White tea is harvested before the leaves of the tea plant open fully, when the young buds are still covered with fine white hairs, hence the name "white" tea.

Compared to other types of tea, white tea can be considered a 'modern invention'.  It is believed to have been developed a little over 200 years ago in southeastern China, in Fujian Prefecture.

Like all teas, it is not the plant material itself that categorizes a tea. In the world of wine, a red or white wine is defined among other things by its type of grapes.
In the world of tea, only its transformation process will determine its type.

White tea processing

It is the most minimalist transformation of tea. The tea leaves are plucked, put to wither under the sun. Then they are dried, and everyone has his own technique. Its shape is the closest to the original state of the leaves.
Most white teas are made from the 'Da Bai' cultivar.

3 types of white tea

There are 3 'subtypes' of white teas. Some experts consider them as 'grades' of white tea.
At Okidotea, we consider these subtypes to be beautiful variations, without any general contribution to quality.
  • Silver Needles- YinZhen

    This tea consists of only the unopened buds of the 'Da Bai' cultivar. 
    There is only one harvest of this tea during the year, and it is considerably more expensive to purchase than Bai Mu Dan.
  • Bai Mu Dan (or sometimes written Pai Mu Tan)

    This tea consists of the bud and the first 2 leaves under the bud. Taste quality similar to YinZhen, a little less in finesse and subtlety, with slightly more intense aromas.
  • Shou Mei

    Tea made from leaves larger and more mature than Bai Mu Dan, rarely including buds. The leaves are usually picked later in the season. These teas are slightly more oxidized than Bai Mu Dan and YinZhen.

👅 Taste characteristics of white tea

We often refer to the famous 'freshly cut hay', which has both a sweet and vegetal taste.
The fields of spring flowers, clover flowers.
In the fruits, often apricots and artichoke flesh is detected.

🍷 If these teas were wines...

Without being too invigorating and awakening, these teas lean towards softness, fragrance, lightness and purity.
These teas remind us of Soave, Chenin Blanc from the Loire, or Chardonnay from southern Burgundy.

These are teas that are distinguished by the finesse and underlying complexity of their aromas, by distinct flavors but without overwhelming aromatic intensity.

⌚ Ideal time to drink white tea

Le thé blanc 'Yin Zhen' qui est fabriqué qu'à partir de bourgeon peut contenir assez de caféine pour bien démarrer une journée. Les Bai Mu Dan et Shou Mei sont moins porteur de caféine et peuvent faire de bons thés d'après-diner.
La douceur et la complexité des arômes du thé blancs se portent très bien pour un matin de réflexion, de méditation et de préparation mentale à une journée axée sur le focus et la productivité.

🌏 Regions of the world producing white teas

Mainly in China, in the province of Fujian.
But recently, India, Malawi, Nepal, Taiwan and Thailand have joined the producing regions of this tea with all its subtlety and complexity.

🛒 Get white tea from our white tea collection


White tea drying - Thé blanc séchage
Séchage au soleil lors du processus de production de thé blanc

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