Tea basics

Thé et caféine : 7 mythes et quelques faits
Bien que la plupart des gens consomment quotidiennement de la caféine sous une forme ou une autre, des mythes et des informations erronées persistent sur son fonctionnement. En particulier, il existe plusieurs idées fausses très répandues sur la teneur en caféine du thé qui sont tout simplement fausses. Certaines sont basées sur des fragments de vérité, tandis que d'autres sont de pures inventions. Aujourd'hui, nous allons clarifier les faits concernant sept mythes sur la caféine que nous rencontrons souvent.

9 reasons why you don't enjoy tea to its fullest

Despite the apparent simplicity of the humble cup of tea, many factors influence the enjoyment of the taste. Preparing and drinking tea the right way can take your brew from standard to sensational. If you're used to any of these eight things, chances are you won't even know what you're missing.

What are shadow teas?
Exploration of the theme of shadows; how partial sun blockage to the tea plant affects the taste experience. Many green teas from Japan exploit this technique which gives exceptional flavors to the tea.

What is white tea?

White tea is known to be one of the most delicate varieties of tea, as it is processed very sparingly. White tea is harvested before the leaves of the tea plant open fully, when the young buds are still covered with fine white hairs, hence the name "white" tea.

What is tea?

What is tea?

That's a good question! Tea is the second most consumed drink in the world, surpassed only by water. An often surprising fact for tea novices is that all teas (black, green, Oolong, white and Pu'erh) come from the same plant. The scientific name of this versatile plant is Camellia sinensis (in fact, it is related to the beautiful camellia flowers found in botanical gardens and landscapes).
